Buying Cheap Furniture: Tips

furniture-v1Buying furniture and appliances is one of the big start-up costs of moving out of home and can be a rather expensive task. The costs associated with couches, tables, bedside table, organisational furniture and more can quickly add up and cost an arm and a leg.

I am going to look at a few ways to furnish your home on the cheap based on my experience. Whether it be buying new furniture or acquiring used pieces, the hope is that we can find an easy way to setup base at home without spending a great deal of money.

Here are a few ideas to save money on furniture and help you get started in your new place on a budget.

Before you buy furniture:

  • Decide what you really need. Make a list of the top priorities on what furniture you need as that way you can start your bargain hunting. And before you rush out and buy anything, check with future roommates if your room is furnished. Even if it isn’t, they might be happy to lend you some of their spare furniture.  Also find out what sized area you will be furnishing. If you have a tiny bedroom, there’s no point in buying lots of big furniture.
  • See if anyone you know wants to get rid of their old furniture or appliances. People are often happy to give it away or sell it at a great price to a uni student.  Try family, friends and their families, people at work, sporting clubs, gym, church, etc. Be specific about what you are after, or you will get offers for things you don’t want or need.
  • Buy the furniture from seller which located nearby your home. You have to consider this to save transportation cost.

Where to buy good secondhand furniture:

  • Notice boards on campus. There are always people getting rid of their old stuff.
  • Second hand shops. Lifeline, Savers, the Salvation Army etc. It is much cheaper than buying new, and there is often good quality furniture (just look at Salvos located in the “wealthy suburbs”).
  • Friday dan Saturday newspaper. On the Advertiser newspaper every Friday and Saturday (garage sale). It is not recommended, because you have to visit each house one by one. Not cost effective.
  • Online Classified. Have a look at Gumtree.
  • Furniture auction at local auctioneer such as MGS, Evans Clarke etc. If you want to buy a whole lot in the same place, this is THE BEST place to go. Furniture and white goods normally available at very low price and in good condition. At MGS & Evans Clarke you can inspect the item prior to auction and you can participate on the auction by online (you can even hear the auctioneer voice during live auction when you participate in the online auction).