What Need to be Prepared – Moving Checklist

checklist-v1Moving is a piece of cake – you just need to know how and when to do all the important things to make it run smoothly. The following points will help you achieve an easy transition from one abode to the next.


1. Establish the date you need to move and then go backwards in time to set yourself milestones.

2. With your milestones, think in terms of eight weeks until the move, six weeks until the move, four weeks until the move, three weeks until the move, two weeks until the move, one week until the move and finally, moving day.

3. At the eight weeks until the move mark, you should:

  • set the actual date of your move.
  • decide whether you will use professional movers, or do the move yourself – remember this could still be costly (eg, hiring trucks) and will definitely take more time than you initially think.
  • obtain quotes from at least three removal companies.
  • think about the floorplan of the place you’re moving to and start allocating your furniture.
  • start thinking about placing food in freezers etc for your move.

4. The six weeks mark should see you thinking about:

  • discussing the moving details with the moving company.
  • creating an inventory of your possessions – this will help for insurance purposes.
  • notifying others – especially the Post Office – about your upcoming move.

5. With four weeks to go:

  • arrange for the telephone to be working at your new and old residence – to allow for communications if things go wrong.
  • contact other utilities such as gas and electricity to ensure they’re connected at the right time.

6. At the three weeks mark, arrange the nitty gritty things. These include (among other things):

  • packaging materials.
  • string.
  • tape.
  • labels.
  • boxes.

7. Further practical things must be considered at the two weeks point. How about:

  • changing your bank account details to new branches.
  • storing valuable stuff like jewellery and legal documents at the bank while you move.
  • contacting your new council about practical things like rubbish collection days and other regulations.

8. With one week to go:

  • defrost the freezer at your current residence.
  • finalise all the packing.
  • pack bags of clothing and toiletries to take with you rather than send with the mover.
  • think about steam cleaning your carpet.

9. On the moving day itself:

  • turn off all services, including the mains switch and taps.
  • double check each room in the house before you leave.
  • ensure all utilities and appliances are working at your new home.
  • check off each box as it comes off the moving truck.

This article is taken from Moving Checklist by AliceM.